About Us

Welcome to Organic Beauty Junkie! You will find natural and organic skincare and personal care products. Our products are handcrafted and contain only the best ingredients to ensure our customers get only the most effective, natural beauty products.

From a young age, I always loved playing with makeup. I remember being a little girl, thrilled to have a beauty night! Whether that meant painting my nails, a new mud mask or playing around with makeup. As an adult, my passion for skincare continued but I realized that the mainstream products I used are filled with harmful chemicals and poor quality ingredients. My passion quickly turned into a career as I began to make my own natural skincare products for friends and family.

It was through the encouragement of friends and family that Organic Beauty Junkie was born!  I am so excited to share my handcrafted creations with you!

I was born with a physical disability, which has made life difficult in some ways, including employment but having my own business allows me to work at my own pace. It has been a huge blessing in my life and one day I hope to pay it forward by helping others with disabilities. My dream is to offer jobs to people with disabilities because I truly understand the struggle of finding employment. I love helping others and this would be my way to give back to the community.